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Lizzy Lee’s Rock Café and Music Store was a venture borne of a partnership between Pat Lee, and Liz Pryde.  Based in the heart of Anglesey, the business opened in June 2021.


The business comprised of a small café, a music shop, and Anglesey Rock School, which provided high quality music lessons in a variety of instruments.. 


Originally we hoped to create a musical hub that provided a place to meet and enjoy good planet-friendly food.  The world has seen many changes over the past 24 months and we needed to adapt and change the way we offer our services.  


As it is now we are a well stocked music shop, which provides high quality music lessons, a small rehearsal space and a reasonably priced repair service. 

Pat is a multi- instrumentalist who developed a passion for music at a young age.  After four years teaching and repairing instruments for a music academy in London he decided to return home to Anglesey.

Citrus Fruits

Liz is an experienced Dietitian who previously worked for the NHS in London and Plymouth.  During this time she gained knowledge  and experience in specialist areas including Coeliac Disease, IBS and other conditions effecting digestion, and how these conditions might be managed through diet.


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Siop Gerdd Lizzy Lee
Lizzy Lee's Music Store

49 Stryd Fawr High Street
Ynys Mon Anglesey
LL77 7NA
Ffôn:  Tel: 01248 719998
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